Regenerative medicine is the process of restoring, replacing or engineering human cells to return tissues to a state of normal function. Regenerative medicine circumvents the immune responses associated with conventional medical technology by using the patient’s own cells rather than artificial or natural materials that are unfamiliar to the body.



EGS provides senior scientists and biomedical engineers to lead Trauma and Clinical Care Research (TCCR) for the US Air Force Trauma and Resuscitation Research Program (AFT2R). EGS also manages animal and live tissue studies in the fields of hemorrhage, resuscitation, endovascular technologies, extra-corporeal life support, and molecular biology. Our work in this program leads to novel treatments that can greatly enhance the generation of new tissue needed for wounds sustained in battlefield combat.



The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine is leading to advancements in the treatment of burns, wound care, and to increased cell growth speed in the treatment of spinal cord injuries and neuro-degenerative disorders.

EGS is a proud supporter of regenerative medicine and ethical stem cell research through its membership in the Genetics Policy Institute and Regenerative Medicine Foundation. Additionally, EGS has been a proud sponsor of the World Stem Cell Summit since 2014.

Regenerative cell therapy involves the use of stem cells to restore healthy organ and tissue function; this therapy represents one of the most promising areas for the next generation of groundbreaking treatments. The REGROW Act modernizes FDA’s current regulatory approach toward safe and effective cell therapies, while protecting approval pathways under sections 351 and 361 of the Public Health Service Act. The REGROW Act also aligns with recommendations included in Bipartisan Policy Center’s recent report entitled Advancing Regenerative Cellular Therapy: Medical Innovation for Healthier Americans.


Stem cell industry partners

EGS has partnered with SYNVIVO, a CFD Research Corporation Life Science company located within the Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology, in a DoD funded project to further develop CFDRC’s Integrated Stem Cell Impedance Analyzer (iSCIA). This novel medical diagnostic device can directly detect the differentiation state of a mixed population of stem cells in a non-invasive manner and provide a purified stream of differentiated cells that can then be used therapeutically in a clinical setting at a higher yield and lower cost.